Monday, August 24, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Honeymmon At Prince Edward Islands

August 3rd Day after our wedding we headed off on our honeymoon. We had the bags already packed and only had to get every thing in the car and lastly get the bikes on the bicycle rack.
First we drove to Bar Harbor Maine the beautiful Acadia National Park and climbed mount Cadillac. It was not an easy climb but since Joe and I love hiking we had fun. Along the way we would stop to eat wild blue berries and rest for a minute or two. And the best was that there was a treat when we finally got up to the summit!! Not to mention the beautiful views of the ocean and the outer island there was a gift shop with fresh brewed COFFEE!!!! That’s what I call a Wowsaaaaaa!!!!
That evening we stroll through the little town in Bar Harbor and I dined on Lobster and of course Joe had his prime rib.
OK the second day was the big day. We are finally going to Prince Edward Island. I am so excited!! We got up early and had breakfast in Bar Harbor in a little diner called “CafĂ© this way” and we started on our long drive. It ended up longer than we thought. I took naps along the way and listened to all the songs in my I pod and took turns with driving so Joe can take a nap too.
The car hood popped opened while we were driving @ about 80 miles an hour, was a little scary. We both got out of the car and I think that is when I lost my reading glasses☹ but Joe said there’s nothing to worry and secured the hood back on and we started on our way again. It was just one long straight never-ending road.
I couldn’t wait to get to the confederation bridge, which I think is about 11 miles long. The Island is divided in to three parts, Prince, Queen and Kings where our hotel was.
Prince Edward Islands called the Gentle Island true to its name is beautiful and is full of breath taking views.
We got to our hotel at about 6.30 pm and with the time difference it was 7.30. And boy weren’t we on “PEI time. Every thing kind of slows down.
In the Kings district where our hotel was situated on a peninsula and the nearest restaurant was the Inn at Bay Fortune fine dining on our first day not bad at all. Driving back home it was dark, we were not used to the area so Joe drove and I was on moose patrol. Much to our surprise we only saw a little red fox.
Third day in to our honeymoon we were a little concerned not seeing an y stores or fast food places to go. The general store was the place to eat, which served as a gas station and the only store for about 50 miles radius and also made burgers in the back to those who wanted a bite to eat. Joe and I was not so crazy about eating behind a gas station, So we went without eating lunch, and got the chef in the hotel to pack us a little picnic the next day. It’s all about planning and being prepared.
The weather was beautiful, sunny blue sky’s.’ We couldn’t have asked for a better week. Joe and I were determined to get some biking done and were on point east on the confederation trail. On our third day we biked about 20 miles on the trail and then went golfing.
On the fourth day we were really ambitious and biked to Greenwich, which was a 15-mile bike, ride along rolling hills and breath taking views of acres and acres of potatoes fields and a 40-minute walk that includes a floating boardwalk to the parabolic dune system.
Okay by the time we biked back to the car my legs were aching but we managed to squeeze in a 9-hole game!!!! It was crazzzzy fun since we both enjoy spending time together,

So we both had a great time with lots of fine dining and I think I had my fill of sea food with lots lobster with melted butted and fresh oysters and mussels and new potatoes .
Relaxing at the beach with a chef prepared picnic lunch, and holding hands and taking long walks . hmmm ….I could get used to this.